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Wine Institute news release shows China revenue sales increase on drop in volume

CLARIFICATION: An earlier version of this post suggested that the Wine Institute had presented misleading information in its export news release. 

The Wine Institute table columns were not labeled, resulting in a 4 a.m. misread of the data which we regret.

While overall 2017 US wine export revenue dropped  to 2013 levels, Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong showed an increase in dollar revenues with an overall decrease in volume.

Volume down and dollars up is good news because it means that higher-dollar value wines were being exported.

A properly labeled chart with larger type would have helped prevent this confusion.

We note that the Wine Institute took our suggestion and corrected their table headings for the table now on their web site (see screen capture below “Clarified Table”)

A corrected, properly labeled table is below with clarifications in blue.

Clarified Table

Corrected WI-Chart

Wine Institute Corrected Their Table Following WII’s Clarification

Screen Shot 2018-03-22 at 7.14.00 AM


Screen Capture of Original Table Minus Proper Headings


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