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Vinventions restructures company finances, moves into #1 position in wine investments ahead of Wine.Com

Wine Industry Insight’s most recent update of financial information shows that Vinventions (formerly Nomacorc) has now moved into the #1 position in wine venture investments with a $149 million refinancing. That moves Vinventions just ahead of Wine.Com which is in second position with $140 million.


Vinventions is an integrated closures company which began as Nomacorc, a synthetic wine bottle closure. It bought closure company Ohlinger Group and Syntek Bouchage in 2015. The company has also branched out into wine quality devices and marketing for wineries.


According to financial reporting services, the company has approximately $130 million in annual revenues and employs more than 500 people. The Vinventions Fact Sheet states that in 2017, it was the second largest wine closure company worldwide with a 13% market share.



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