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Eberle Winery hires new Tasting Room Manager

Eberle Winery is pleased to welcome Jenna Hannan as the winery’s new Tasting Room Manager in Paso
Robles, CA. Jenna’s extensive background makes her the perfect team leader in the Eberle’s fast-paced
winery. After graduating from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo with a BS degree in Ag Business, a Minor in
Viticulture and a Concentration in Wine Marketing, Jenna spent 15 years working nearly every facet of
the wine industry in California and Washington State. Previous employers include Tolosa Winery, Ridge
Vineyards, Mercer Estates, and Classic Wines of California. Her industry experience ranges from the
vineyard, to the business offices, to the tasting room and sales & distribution.

Jenna oversees a staff of 15 at a winery that sells half of its product over the counter in the Tasting
Room. She says, “The quality of wines and the culture of ‘hospitality first’ that Gary & Marcy Eberle
have cultivated made it an easy “Yes” when they called. I feel so blessed to have worked under so many
great mentors, friends and true ambassadors to the business. I hope to carry this knowledge forward
into my work here at Eberle Winery.”



Eberle Winery is located at 3810 Highway 46 East in Paso Robles, CA. Currently celebrating 39 years of
fine winemaking, the winery offers complimentary wine tasting and tours of their 17,000 square feet of
underground caves. Open daily 10am-6pm. 805-238-9607.