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Cakebread Cellars Appoints Mike Jaeger President & CEO

Napa Valley, CA, August 24, 2018 – Family-owned Cakebread Cellars, among Napa Valley’s oldest and most prestigious wineries, has announced the appointment, effective October 1, 2018, of Mike Jaeger as its new president and chief executive officer. Current President and CEO, Bruce Cakebread, will remain on the winery’s board of directors, along with his brother, Dennis Cakebread, who will continue as Chairman of the Board. Dennis, who has long overseen sales and marketing efforts at the Rutherford, CA winery will also relinquish his leadership of these roles to his talented team. Bruce and Dennis, as owners, will now focus their efforts on Board oversight, being ambassadors for Cakebread Cellars and helping Mr. Jaeger’s transition into his role at the winery.


Mike Jaeger is an accomplished executive with deep experience in the wine industry. He began his career in marketing, adding sales, operations and general management roles to his extensive resume. For the past 20 years, Jaeger has led numerous wine businesses, including divisions of both family-owned and public companies.


Raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, Jaeger attended college in northern California. He has worked in brand management and executive positions at a number of preeminent companies including Dole Foods, Joseph Seagram & Sons, Trinchero Family Estates and Constellation Brands. Most recently, Mike was CEO at C. Mondavi & Family and also served as chairman at Clos du Val Winery.


“The Cakebread Cellars success story is nearly 5 decades in the making, yet many great chapters are still waiting to be written,” said Jaeger. “I am truly honored and excited to work with the family and their dedicated employees to continue building on this success as we move forward.”


“As Cakebread Cellars transitions into a new chapter for the winery,” said Bruce Cakebread, “I look forward to my role as an owner and Board member, a champion of our wines and an advocate for Napa Valley. It is our intention that this step will allow us to improve upon our success over the last 45 years and to carry on our tradition of crafting high-quality wines.”


“This transition process is one of the most crucial steps a family business can undertake. We have been planning this process for some time,” stated Chairman Dennis Cakebread. “The family, in consultation with the Board of Directors, chose Mike because of his deep and diverse experience in the wine industry and his broad background with the great companies he has worked with over the years. We are confident he will be a strong leader for our talented team at the winery.”



About Cakebread Cellars
Located on Highway 29 in the heart of Napa Valley, Cakebread Cellars was founded in 1973 by Jack and Dolores Cakebread, whose sons, Bruce and Dennis, own the winery today. Over its 45 years, the winery has earned a reputation for exceptional wines and gracious hospitality. Its success is built on quality, consistency and continuity – not only in grape-growing and winemaking, but in the dedicated people who create Cakebread Cellars’ world-class wines.



Media Contact:
EVINS Communications, Ltd.
Skye Morgan, Associate Director
Phone: (212) 688-8200

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