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Piper Sonoma Joins Folio Fine Wine Partners

Partnership capitalizes on growing premium domestic sparkling category


Napa, CA—September 13, 2018 — Sonoma County sparkling producer Piper Sonoma has appointed Folio Fine Wine Partners as its national sales and marketing partner, effective today.


Commenting on the partnership, Ludovic Panciera, Vice-President of EPI Wines for North & South Americas, said:


“We are thrilled to partner with Folio Fine Wine Partners. Our intention is to continue building the Piper Sonoma Brand, which has been successfully commercialized for decades in the US. The two Family businesses have complementary skills and expertise that will most certainly bring Piper Sonoma to the next level. Piper Sonoma is today one of the leading Premium Sparkling Wines from California; it has great potential to grow even further.”


Folio Co-Founder Michael Mondavi echoed the sentiment, stating:


“This is a terrific addition to our domestic portfolio and we see a great opportunity to capture a growing segment of the domestic sparkling wine market. With a strong brand like Piper Sonoma and the category knowledge and backing of the EPI executive team, we see great promise for continued growth ahead.”


The addition of the sparkling house marks the second Sonoma County property to join Folio this year, following a similar agreement with Dutton-Goldfield in January.


In 2017, Piper Sonoma was ranked among the Top 5 of Domestic Sparkling wines over $15 in a category growing 5% to nearly 1.3 million cases. (Source: IMPACT Databank)


The brand was founded in 1980 in Sonoma County by the Marquis d’Aulan, whose family has been linked for generations with Champagne and Premium wines. Sourcing from vineyards across Sonoma County, the wines are produced in Healdsburg, California under the guidance of the well-recognized and experienced Winemaker Keith Hoch.


Folio will represent the Piper Sonoma Brut ($18.99) Piper Sonoma Rosé ($18.99) and Blanc de Blancs with new product development underway for March 2019. Wines are available nationally through retail outlets across the US.