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Wine Bloggers Conference rebrands as Wine Media Conference



We have have changed our name to
Wine Media Conference!


A More Accurate and Inclusive Name
Blogging is simply one form of communication and the reality is almost all blogger attendees at the conference also engage in social media. Many also do other forms of wine writing, either for print magazines, online magazines, or wineries. Wine Media Conference more accurately reflects what our attendees do.


Just as importantly, the change to Wine Media Conference is designed to be more welcoming to those who do not blog but do communicate about wine. This includes social media influencers, non-blogging wine writers, and those who work in communications in the wine industry.


The content of the Wine Media Conference has accurately reflected the diversity of interests of its attendees for years. Now, with this change, so does the conference title and URL.


Everything else you know and love about the Wine Bloggers Conference remains that same – we hope you can join us in 2019 in Australia! You can now find us online at