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Ad Fraud Grows In Wine Country: Turns Off Readers, Misleads Advertisers

If you’re an advertiser and an publication suddenly announces a massive jump in page views and/or visits, you should smell a rat. THE DEVIL (AND THE RAT): IN THE DETAILS The situation has only grown more intense since Wine Industry Insight’s two recent articles on the current trends in defrauding advertisers and driving readers away: […]

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Online Advertising Page-View Fraud Growing

“Page views” rank as one of the major metrics of online advertising. PAGE VIEWS = MONEY Generally, the more page views, the more money an online publication can charge for their advertising. FALSELY INFLATING PAGE VIEWS IS DISHONEST But artificially inflating the number of page views by cutting articles into smaller and smaller chunks is […]

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Online Content, Prostitution & Disclosure

The following piece from today’s San Francisco Chronicle,  (“Snowcial – social media’s peak networking“) touches on a potentially unsound and possibly illegal practice if done incorrectly: “David Armano, managing director, Edelman Digital: ‘Journalists and newspapers are now doing paid content. The days are over for separation of church and state, editorial and advertising. The lines […]

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Advertisers & Editors: Beware Of Using Flash

Bandwidth is not free. Comcast and other Internet providers are enforcing stiff bandwidth limits on its customers Videos, advertisements and and other Flash graphics are bandwidth hogs and those that start automatically consume a user’s allotment regardless of whether they’re interested or not. Stiff fines await users exceeding their rations. That makes this a dollars […]

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