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Sonoma State Intros Wine Industry Finance and Accounting Certificate

Sonoma State’s new certificate program will be taught by wine industry professionals in the finance and accounting fields. Each seminar is designed to deliver core quantitative concepts illustrated by wine industry examples. The new program is appropriate for wine industry professionals who seek a greater understanding of the quantitative side of their business. No previous […]

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Champagne Consumer Fraud

Champagne comes from the Champagne region of France. Sparkling wine from anywhere else is sparkling wine, cava, vin mousseaux, etc. To call a sparkling wine “Champagne,” if it comes from anywhere else but Champagne, is consumer fraud. It’s like labeling a wine “Napa Valley Select” when the wine comes from Moldova. It may be technically […]

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Internet Boasting Doesn’t Equal Quality

There are a million ways to laugh boasting off the stage. I’ve written many times about all the arrogance and sheer unsupportable hyperbole in news releases … by people who ought to know better. This recent piece from the San Francisco Chronicle says it very well. It deserves a careful read by the people who […]

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You’re Only As Far Away From Agriculture As Your Next Meal

You’re only as far away from agriculture as your next meal. But Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is miffed that rural America voted so overwhelmingly Republican last month and continually resists federal government regulations. Because of this, he says, farmers are “becoming less and less relevant.” A full reading of what Vilsack had to say indicates that […]

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An open letter to Wine Industry Insight Subscribers from WSWA President and CEO Craig Wolf:

The following was received from Craig Wolf, President and CEO of the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA). The headline and text are printed as received, completely and unedited. Wine Industry Insight’s response follows WSWA’s letter. Wine Industry Insight Misleads Readers about WSWA’s Successful Grass Roots Activism Last week, the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers […]

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Christopher Creek Winery Sold

NEWS RELEASE – Christopher Creek Winery, founded in 1974 and operated by Fred and Pam Wasserman has been sold to Two Kings Wine Company, LLC owned by Robert Dahl and Dominic Foppoli. The 11-acre Russian River winery currently produces 3,500 cases of estate wines from its hillside property and farms an additional 27 acres on […]

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Why This Wine & Health Headline Should NOT Be A Surprise

Surprising Study Finds Red Wine May Help Women Beat Breast Cancer It should not be a surprise, but it is. And that’s because the wine industry is timid, apathetic, smug and doing a pitiful job of telling the story. Yes, that includes everybody from the Wine Institute to Family Winemakers to every state, local, county […]

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Suing Wine Writers

There are a lot of misconceptions about defamation. And even though it’s been quite a while since I co-taught a course on mass media law at Cornell, the Supreme Court has not made any major changes over those intervening years. The quick summary below is not legal advice, but intended as a quick “Cliff’s Notes” […]

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Bloggers: Hook Readers, Reel Them In, Or Sink

I had a terrific email exchange with an excellent blogger who has a lot of really good things to say … about a post that I didn’t include in my daily News Fetch Following is my email, minus any identifying characteristics. Other bloggers may be interested, because any blog post that merits inclusion in the […]

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The International Sparkling Wine Market: Good Growth, High Material Prices

By Susanne Stauß for ProWein The author Susanne Stauß is a hotel management specialist and graduated from the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg with a degree in tourism. For a number of years she  worked as Editor-in-Chief for several hotel management magazines. She has been a freelance journalist focusing on the hotel and gastronomy industry and sparkling […]

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