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Mail WII Get: The Ride With, Work With

The following email came in today in response to “Retailers: Can’t we all just get along?” in Wine Industry Insight’s Nov. 7 issue of News Fetch: I could not let the “bad rap” about suppliers go without one our own (winery representatives) experiences and comments.  See attached!  By the way, do not use my name, […]

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Boisset/Lockwood’s Nuanced PR Release = Confusion

So what is it? A partnership? Acquisition? Both? Neither? Something else entirely? Boisset Family Estates Expands into Monterey Boisset partners with Monterey’s Lockwood The news release (below) is so wandering, vague and filled with flowery, self-congratulatory language and descriptions of grandiose plans and ambitions that there’s no way to determine what actually transpired. In a […]

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Russian River Vineyard Frost Protection: Legal Briefs or AK-47s?

Russian River area growers suing the state over frost protection rules might wonder why illegal diversions sucking the Eel River dry are getting no attention at all. Maybe it’s because the winegrape growers have made the mistake of firing back at the state with legal papers, not AK-47s. Today’s story from the Willits News: Thirsty […]

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Chandler Leaves Lodi-Woodbridge Commission, Starts Own Firm

Lodi Winegrape Commission to Undergo Transition at the Top [NEWS RELEASE] LODI, Calif. (November 2, 201) –The Lodi Winegrape Commission announced today that Mark Chandler, its Executive Director since its inception in 1991, is leaving to start his own marketing and management firm at the end of this year. His replacement has not been named. […]

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You’re a Traffic Thief If …

I enjoyed Jo Diaz’s piece yesterday: Copyright infringement still ticks me off, especially when requests for removal are ignored. In fact, I had been thinking about writing a piece on this myself, inspired by one of the links in her post: Business Insider, over-aggregation, and the mad grab for traffic. The issue here is theft: […]

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Opinion: Free My Drink – Occupy Big Beer!

This is the latest post to describe the problem, and make a plea:Free My Drink! So, please allow me to editorialize a moment with some obviously biased opinions. There are are initiatives, lobbying, lawsuits and other things that have attempted to free consumers from the greed of Big Beer and their success in blocking free […]

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Journalism’s Slippery Slope

This piece: It’s time to admit that journalists are human beings is part candor and part slippery slope. “In the wake of the sanctioning of a public-radio host for being involved in an Occupy Wall Street protest, former Slate media critic Jack Shafer says that media outlets should stop trying to force their journalists to […]

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Ascentia Deep Discounting Geyser Peak & Columbia

From the Southern Wines & Spirits book:

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Stinky Slanted Word Choice Of The Day

We all know that PR people are paid to make their clients look as good as possible. There are some solid PR professionals out there who know that good PR is good journalism from the client’s standpoint. But, then there are the not-so-solid who churn out some pretty arrogant, odious and otherwise distasteful writing and […]

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Boycott Graffiti Pop-Up Advertisers Who Deface Your Browser

One after another … after another this sort of distracting, annoying digital graffiti slows down my computer and defaces my browser as I visit sites, click on links and create News Fetch each morning. I visualize visiting both the advertiser and the web site that is clueless enough to foist this garbage on us. I […]

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