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Musical Inspiration To End The Work Week

Those readers who read all the way down to the bottom of each day’s News Fetch know I listen to Slacker Radio Alternative Channel during the 2.5 to 3 hours each day it takes me to produce it. Down there under the last advertisement, I usually list one or two songs that were interesting, inspiring […]

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Michel-Schlumberger Being Sold?

Just in: as-yet unconfirmed information from multiple sources indicates that Michel-Schlumberger Wines is soliciting buy-out offers for a reported $12 million. Sources say that owner Jacques Schlumberger is ready to retire and that his family members are not interested in running the winery. Sources further indicate that a buyer may already have been signed. More […]

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S&P Downgrades Include Farm Credit

Along with the U.S. Sovereign debt, S&P has downgraded senior debt issues by the Farm Credit System. Issuer credit ratings on the four System Banks is unchanged. My thanks to Santa Maria real estate appraiser Dave Hamel for tipping me off to this. This is what the S&P statement had to say about Farm Credit […]

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Wine Tasting & Food Pairing: Comments Keep Rolling In

Comments to The Food Pairing Craze: Down The Same Wrong Road As Wine Scores keep coming. Click here to scroll down to the comments area of the original article and express your opinion. Wine Harlots says: July 30, 2011 at 3:33 pm Wine scores are a tool that has been wielded as a weapon — […]

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DeBonis Back As Interim CEO At Ascentia: Updated

Jim DeBonis, who was ousted this past January as CEO of troubled Ascentia Wine Estates seems to be back in charge, at least on an interim basis according to multiple sources close to the company. Wine Industry Insight could not confirm the details as this post was written late Monday evening, but it was later […]

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The Food Pairing Craze: Down The Same Wrong Road As Wine Scores

The current infatuation with wine and food pairings is headed down the same wrong road as wine scores. Why? Because people are genetically unique and so are their taste buds. No two people experience the same smell, the same taste — or the same wine/food pairing exactly the same way. Because of that, it’s unreasonable […]

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Big Woop Whoops Napa Valley … And Offers Vintners A By-The-Glass Lesson

I played tourist last Saturday, visiting Calistoga and re-discovered a hard lesson for vintners in the “by the glass” process. I lunched at a restaurant called Brannan’s Grill which I had been to a number of years ago and had a nice experience…then. This time, the food was forgettable and the wine memorable only for […]

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My Wines Direct – Update From New CEO

The following was just received from Robert Miller, the new CEO of My Wines Direct in response to this morning’s short article (Is MyWinesDirect Imploding?): Thanks, Lew. You are half correct: we are consolidating our business to the Napa office and therefore have closed our NY office; but we are by no means imploding. In […]

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Is MyWinesDirect Imploding?

For more than a month now, Wine Industry Insight has been trying to find out what’s happening at MyWinesDirect. Very reliable sources have reported that the company has closed its New York office and laid off the dozen or so employees there. In addition, founder and CEO Bryan Dougherty has left (some say forced out)  […]

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Ross Email Details Further Pierce’s, Sharpshooter Cuts

From: Carol Tate On Behalf Of Karen Ross, Secretary Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 4:52 PM Subject: Summary of Additional Cuts to CDFA Programs in Final State Budget CDFA Stakeholders, As our state government continues to work through some of the most difficult budgetary times in memory, I thought it was important to keep you […]

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