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Wine Institute Facing Changed Industry Climate

This article is the first in a series on California’s Wine Institute.   The Wine Institute is the nation’s oldest and largest wine trade association, having represented California vintners since 1934. Despite its preeminence and longevity, it is facing  a changed competitive climate: California wines continue to lose market share to imports. The Institute itself […]

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Treasury Wine To “Right Size:” Sell Asti Winery, Move Ops To Central Coast, Consolidate Napa Bottling + Aus Reorg

Treasury Wine Estates is following through on its previously announced plans to reduce costs by consolidation and sales of assets which it said will be completed by the end of 2016. In a statement issued today, the company said it could save AUS$35 to $50 million per year by taking the following actions among other […]

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Did Killer Vintner Want This To Be His Investor’s Forced Confession At Gunpoint?

Previously in Wine Industry Insight: Ambush Murder/Suicide Settles Napa Valley Winery Legal Dispute Out Of Court Courts Closing in On Robert Dahl And His Napa Valley Wine Ventures Napa Wine Finance Deal Tangled In Court Suits Charging Money laundering, Usury, Fraud, Securities Violations Lexington Street Files Court Papers Alleging Robert Dahl Felonies Dahl & Napa […]

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Ambush Murder/Suicide Settles Napa Valley Winery Legal Dispute Out Of Court

Previously in Wine Industry Insight: Courts Closing in On Robert Dahl And His Napa Valley Wine Ventures Napa Wine Finance Deal Tangled In Court Suits Charging Money laundering, Usury, Fraud, Securities Violations Lexington Street Files Court Papers Alleging Robert Dahl Felonies Dahl & Napa Point Winery Object To Napa Court Ruling On Wine & Tanks […]

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Deerfield Ranch Winery Chapter 11 Filings Show Unusual Financial Strength

By the time most troubled companies make it into bankruptcy court, they are financial corpses or on life support surrounded by creditors eager to grab whatever they can: spare change, uneaten Jello from dinner, the TV remote control, or the patient’s slippers, pacemaker, medication, or body parts that can eventually be divided up in a […]

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Courts Closing in On Robert Dahl And His Napa Valley Wine Ventures

After having his defenses and protestations of innocence universally contradicted by numerous court witnesses and documents, Robert Dahl now finds his wiggle room boxed in by judicial decisions in two Bay Area Superior Courts. As a result, Dahl has seen one of his cases dismissed, lost control of a company, been slapped with injunctions and […]

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Gallo Glass Toxics Lawsuit: Biggest Story Involves Unanswered Questions

This is a case of the: Dog that didn’t bark. Cat that failed to meow. Bird that did not squawk. And, News media that did not follow-up on logical questions left dangling.. The state of California’s hazardous waste lawsuit against Gallo Glass (.PDF) has raised so many unanswered questions that even Sherlock or Benedict Cumberbatch […]

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After Losing $130 Mil, Entertainment Properties Trust Exits Wine Biz, CEO Exits Company

Entertainment Properties Trust (NYSE:EPR) has finally exited the wine industry after losing at least $130 million over the past six years.   And fast on the heels of that exit is the abrupt and immediate departure of its CEO and President, David Brain, whose replacement by the firm’s COO was immediate according to EPR’s 8-K […]

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Deerfield Ranch Winery Says Chapter 11 Resulted From Shoddy Rabobank Actions

Deerfield Ranch Winery’s Feb. 13, 2014 Chapter 11 filing should never have been necessary but for shoddy treatment by senior secured lender Rabobank according to a winery declaration filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of California (Santa Rosa.) The declaration by Robert Rex, winery co-founder and winemaker charged that Rabobank had dealt […]

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2014 Calif Wine Grape Crush: 3.91 Million Tons, 3rd Largest Ever

 News From: United States Department of Agriculture & National Agricultural Statistics Service California crushed 3.91 million tons of wine grapes in 2014 according to the  Preliminary Crush Report from the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). That is down 7.9% from 2013’s 4.246 million tons but is still the third largest […]

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