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Costs & Health Concerns Drive People NOT to Drink. (Millennials Especially)

Source: Morning Consult

Good News For Wine Clubs? Millennials & GenZ Like Subscriptions

Source: Morning Consult

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DTC Wine Club & Event Sales Grow At Expense Of Other Channels

Source: Wine Direct +Enolytics

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High Prices Of Low/NonAlc Beverages Keep AlcBev Drinkers Away

Source: Morning Consult – The State of Food & Beverage Report H1 2023 (Free with registration)

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Off-Premise eCom AlcBevs Still Recovering After Covid Crash

Source: eMarketer/Insider Intelligence

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Wine DTC: Younger Drinkers On The Rise 2018-2022. Boomers & Silent Gen Decline.

Source: Wine Direct +Enolytics

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32% of wine drinkers account for 79% of all wine drinking occasions.

Source: Wine Opinions

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Boomers Lead All Demographics In NOT Taking An AlcBev Break This Year

Source: Morning Consult – The State of Food & Beverage Report H1 2023 (Free with registration)

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Consumers Battle Inflation By Buying Less Alcohol, Making Fewer Trips To Bars & Restaurants

Source: Morning Consult – The State of Food & Beverage Report H1 2023

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Despite TikTok’s Publicity, It’s Still Only #3 With GenZ

Source: Morning Consult

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