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Silicon Valley Bank: The 2014 State Of The Wine Industry Is … Forrest Gump?

2014 Silicon Valley Bank State of The Wine Industry Report Live Video Conference – TODAY Thursday Jan. 16, 2014 – 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Pacific Time. Click here for info on how to view IN A NUTSHELL: Forget Millennials for a while, but they may be a good market later. Foreign wine is 30% and […]

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Beam Worth The Premium? Brown-Forman In Play?

BofA/Merrill-Lynch’s highly nuanced analyst report on Suntory’s $83.50 all-cash bid for Beam implies some reasoned concern that the offer — which was 25% over Beam’s previous share price — could be too rich for the Japanese spirits giant to recover its investment, at least in the near future. In addition. the firm’s January 13 analyst […]

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Transitions: Alderbrook, Farrell, D’Esterhazy

As the holidays and the end if the year approach, we wanted to send our Wine Executive News subscribers some small items that we have been working on for several weeks (in come cases months) which we have been unable to develop into broader, more in-depth pieces. Wine Executive News subscribers please click here to […]

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Robledo Winery: An American Dream Unravels

An American dream is unraveling in Carneros. The story of Maria and Reynaldo Robledo has been an apocryphal American success story full of hard work and success: from sweaty, hard field labor to a hard-earned, boot-strapped place among the “first families” of a growing number of Mexican-American wineries and vineyards. But now, a bitter divorce […]

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Major Asian Investment Analysts High On “Mismanaged” Treasury Wine US

Beringer and related U.S. assets represent huge value and potential despite having been terribly mismanaged by Treasury Wine Estates according to a major Asian brokerage and investment group. The report did not directly address the issue of spinning off the U.S. properties. However, its detailed data — including charts individually inventorying and valuing all of […]

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Fire Sales Ease Entertainment Properties’ Winery Exit

Entertainment Properties Trust has been desperately fumbling for the wine industry exit door after losing at least $130 million. That five-year scramble for the door is almost at an end thanks to EPR selling some of the properties at as little as one-fourth their assessed value. Wine Executive News subscribers please click here to read […]

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Truett-Hurst Buys Half Of Daryl Groom’s Colby Red Wine Brand

Truett-Hurst has bought 50% of the Colby Red wine brand from Daryl Groom, according to documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission today. Colby Red was conceived by Groom’s son, Colby, as a fundraiser for heart research:  Colby Red: Winemaker’s Teen Son Raises $350,000 For Heart Health. The price and current production numbers were […]

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BofA/Merrill Lynch’s Love Affair With Treasury Wine Australia

While Bank of America/Merrill Lynch can’t wait to see Beringer vanish beyond the distant horizon of a planet in another solar system, the Australian operation has found favor at the center of the banker’s heart. (See related article: BofA Throws Beringer Under Bus, Urges Treasury To Divest ASAP No Global Wine Shortages: The Real Data […]

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BofA Throws Beringer Under Bus, Urges Treasury To Divest ASAP

Throwing a company under the bus seems like an odd way to kick off an asset sale, but that’s what Bank of America./Merrill Lynch seems to be doing with the U.S. assets of Treasury Wine Estates. On the other hand, it could work well especially if you have two other major brokerages — Citi and […]

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Wine “Shortage” Is Bull: Here’s Why

The widely touted global wine “shortage” arises from naivety among Citi and Morgan Stanley analysts and their failure to assess the global industry as a whole — especially the agriculture and vineyard aspects (Reality Check: Global Wine Supply & Gullible Brokerage Analysts). Analysts may also have been fed partial information by their sources as part […]

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