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8 Things Your Wine Business Needs To Know For Asian & Global Success

The expected slowing of growth in the main Chinese market, has received a ton of negative headlines predicting woe and collapse for wine industry marketing there. The nascent trade war between the EU and China has only helped darken the clouds overhead. Despite that, Pernod Ricard, the world’s second-largest alcoholic beverage company — and fourth-largest […]

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Ad Fraud: Stuffing The Page-View Ballot Box

My May jeremiad on shoddy web site pagination practices (Online Advertising Page-View Fraud Growing) provoked a lot of emails, mostly from web and online professionals who would shun the practice except for (as one email phrased it) “powers that be who like the way that pagination stuffs the page-view ballot box.” The fact that advertisers […]

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Napa’s Sloan Estate Owner Buys Le Bon Pasteur

Pomerol’s Château Le Bon Pasteur has been sold to Sloan Estate owner, Sutong Pan, chairman of Hong Kong-based investment holding company Goldin Financial, according to The Wine Cellar Insider. Wine Industry Insight previously covered the Hong Kong investment in Napa Valley’s Sloan Estate winery. PREVIOUS WINE INDUSTRY INSIGHT COVERAGE OF SLOAN ESTATE Goldin Financial To […]

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Truett-Hurst Drops Offering Price Again

Truett-Hurst (Nasdaq: THST) has lowered the target pricing on its struggling IPO for a second time. According to the company’s new S-1/A just filed with the SEC, the new range is now down to a target range of $6 to $8 — just over half of its original pricing of $11 to $15 when the […]

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Bill Hambrecht: Billionaire’s Cash Flow Issues Have Broad Impacts

Billionaire financier and vintner William Hambrecht’s recent pattern of behavior toward financial obligations  seems to demonstrate an unwillingness or inability to stand behind personal guarantees of loans or even to make mortgage payments on one of his prized vineyard properties that was almost sold at a foreclosure auction and still remains in jeopardy. The un-met obligations […]

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Truett-Hurst IPO Struggles With Wary Investors, Pricing, Delays

The Truett-Hurst IPO continues to struggle for traction in the public markets almost six weeks after the OpenIPO auction-style offering from W. R. Hambrecht commenced. (See Truett-Hurst, Inc. Announces Commencement Of Initial Public Offering). In the past, OpenIPO auctions have taken about two weeks and there was eager anticipation that this one would fall into […]

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Lawsuits Put Wine Country Fracking Leases In Limbo

Two year’s worth of oil and gas exploration leases to approximately 20,000 acres of federal land in Monterey, San Benito and Joaquin Counties have been thrust into limbo by two lawsuits — one of  which has been a victory so far for the environmental groups which filed the litigation. At least 6,150 of those acres […]

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Truett-Hurst: Insiders, Ownership, History and Conflicts of Interest

NOTE: This is a companion piece to the main article: Truett-Hurst IPO Stumbles Over Red Flags & Confusion It’s clear that Truett-Hurst has cobbled together a fascinating array of people, businesses, relationships and investments. Further, most of the conflicts of interest plaguing the company filings reflect a pattern of people in the wine industry doing […]

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Truett-Hurst IPO Stumbles Over Red Flags & Confusion

The decision by Truett-Hurst, Inc., (THST – NASDAQ Small Cap Market)  to drop the offering price for its IPO should not be a surprise, given that investors were being asked to buy shares in a company with no physical assets, where public shareholders were locked out of any decisionmaking or influence, trumped by a small […]

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Big Bad News For ShipCompliant in New York State

ShipCompliant’s MarketPlace platform violates New York  law, according to last night’s ruling from State Liquor Authority (SLA). The ruling, was issued in response to a special full board meeting on January 17, 2013 in which ShipCompliant requested a ruling to declare that its direct sales system was legal in New York. In denying that request, […]

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