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Did Corruption Sink Mondavi/Getty Pope Valley Project?

With one Napa County Official’s resignation over a shakedown behind them, the backers of a Pope Valley resort development have filed lawsuits against three members of the Napa County Board of Supervisors alleging improper, unethical and possibly illegal behavior over the the denial of the project’s use use permit. A member of Napa County’s legal […]

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AOL Refuses Wine Opinions Ad But Runs Its Own

America Online has refused to run a text advertisement by Wine Opinions seeking participants for consumer surveys despite the fact that the AOL food section continues to run its own ads for wine sales. According to Wine Opinions founder John Gillespie, America Online told him that it refused to accept to ad, citing a ban […]

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John Salisbury’s Personal Account of His Vineyard LLC Chapter 12

Editor’s note: John Salisbury sent Wine Industry Insight the following personal account of the events leading up to the Chapter 12 Bankruptcy filing by Salisbury Vineyards, LLC.  The personal struggles will certainly resonate clearly with many others in the industry. Also, as we pointed out in our original article, this bankruptcy filing concerns the vineyard-only […]

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Salisbury Vineyards LLC Files Bankruptcy

Salisbury Vineyards LLC of San Luis Obispo has filed for Chapter 12 protection in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. While owned and controlled by the same family, this proceeding involves a limited liability corporation and is not the same legal entity as Salisbury Vineyards, Inc., (a California “C” corporation) which owns […]

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Cork Finished Wines Outsell Alternative Closures

By Peter Weber, Cork Quality Council Special to Wine Industry Insight I was recently looking at IRI wine sales figures on your site and after sorting the brands by their predominant closure type, I found some confirmation to the anecdotal reports that “fighting varietals” finished with cork products seem to be doing better than those […]

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WII MASH-UP: Coupons A Big Hit Especially With Online & Affluent Consumers

In this mash-up: Coupon Use Continues Resurgence Coupon Enthusiasts Drive Up Redemption Rates Which Is More Effective – Print or Online Coupons? Valpak iPhone Ap delivers coupon savings on-the-go Summary: While few wine brands actually use coupons, multiple studies show that coupons are a direct path to consumers’ wallets. Further, online coupons are proving to […]

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SVB Predicts Sales Growth in 2010 Fine Wine Sales

Silicon Valley Bank Releases Preliminary Findings for its 2010-2011 Annual State of the Wine Industry Report (From News Release) — Silicon Valley Bank has released the  preliminary findings for its annual State of the Wine Industry Report for 2010-2011. The report reiterates the prior prediction that the market will be slow to fully recover, predicts […]

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Lender Charges Diamond Oaks Ch11 Is Fraudulent

The Sept. 14, 2009 bankruptcy petition by Diamond Oaks Vineyards and its owner, Dinesh Maniar is fraudulent and filed in bad faith, according to court documents filed by Hartford Life (($VIP content)) which is seeking to foreclose on property it has financed. Hartford holds first mortgages on two Napa Valley properties at 4500 and 4529-4531 […]

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Nielsen Sees Little Holiday Cheer Ahead for Online Retail

November 18, 2009  Ken Cassar, Vice President, Industry Insights, The Nielsen Company Although retailers have been thinking about the 2009 holiday season since last January, consumers are just starting to think about their holiday plans. As we do every year, Nielsen fielded its annual holiday retail survey at the beginning of this month to get an […]

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After Ninja Turtles and Toxic Waste, Eos Estates Purchaser Must Walk Grueling Tightrope To Succeed

The Saint James Company (Pink Sheets – SJTC:OB) — which has slogged a path through toxic chemicals, radioactive waste and Mutant Ninja Turtles — will certainly be the wine industry’s Cinderella story of the century so far, if it can walk the tightrope that leads successfully from being a shell corporation to the owner of […]

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