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You can tell the price of California wine by where the grapes came from

Here’s how to tell the price of Calif wine by where the grapes came from

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Calif wine grape acreage evolving to reflect premiumization trend

Calif wine grape acreage evolving to reflect premiumization trend

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New Calif wine grape planting forecast lowest since 2010, coastal regions dominate

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How much alcohol do Americans drink? – This interactive chart offers detailed demographic data.

Play with the interactive map at: Flowing Data

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Premiumization accelerates at retail. Upper Price categories grow: Nielsen

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Central Coast Burning – Satellite Imagery Tells The Story

Source: Enplan fire satellite imagery. Scroll out for map of all fires

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Social media is crucial for crowdfunding wine & spirits ventures

Source: Crowdfund Capital Advisors via VentureBeat

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Wine & beer e-commerce lags among Fast Moving Consumer Goods

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If your mobile site takes more than 3 seconds to download, you will lose 53% of your visitors

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Underage alcohol use continues to fall

Source: University of Michigan via the National Institute on Drug Abuse

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