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Australian Wine Exports To The US Rising Quickly

Source: Wine Australia

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Boomer Wine Buying Faces Big Percentage Decline

Source: Wine Direct/Enolytics – Q2 2022 Report for DTC Wine

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Wine Above $15 Still Growing, but Slowing

Source: Wine Opinions/Danny Brager

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AlcBev On-Premise Continues Recovery, But COVID, Inflation & Labor Cloud Future

Source: IRI 2022 Mid-Year Alcohol Update

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2/3 Of Americans Cutting Back On AlcBevs Because of Inflation.

Source: Morning Consult

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After taking their Post-COVID “revenge trips,” consumers’ intent to travel has cooled.

Source: Morning Consult (Registration Required)

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AlcBev Price POS Trend Lags Versus Other Categories: IRI.

Source: IRI via Axios

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Aussie Support For Democracy Totally Tanked Its China Wine Sales

Source: Wine Australia Market Bulletin

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Total On-Premise AlcBev Sales Recovering, But Still Below 2019: IRI

Source: IRI On-Premise Data

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Vast Majority In US Have Negative View Of Alcohol Consumption

Source: Gallup

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