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Weed is WAY healthier than alcohol say huge majority of Americans

Source: Marist Poll via Washington Post

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Groundwater: Are we eating ourselves dry with farm exports? This study says “yes”

“Do human consumption habits affect groundwater depletion as a result of international food trade? A global analysis indicates that they do, and shows which products and countries have the biggest impact.” —  Nature Source: Nature

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Women may not always be your best wine buyers. Data says things vary with age.

A long-held maxim in wine marketing is that women are your best customers. However, new data indicates that can be true or false depending on age. Here are four charts looking at that along with competing beverage preferences Greatly enlarged, individual chart images are available to Wine Executive News premium subscribers at this link. Data […]

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63 feet of snow! This chart shows just how enormous this year’s drought-busting rainy season in California compares

63 feet of snow in Northern Sierra breaks all-time! Source: National Weather Service via Los Angeles Times

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Wine, beer & spirit growth rates all trending downward, but craft still reigns

Sources: Nielsen, Brewers Association

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Wine has fewest violations of all alcbevs found by TTB’s 2016 sampling program

Wine has fewest of all alcbev violations found in TTB’s 2016 sampling program Distilled spirits: 87 noncompliance issues in 68 different products. Malt beverage: 72 noncompliance issues in 53 different  products. Full results for wine, beer and spirits along with methodology can be found at this link.

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U.S. Remains World’s #4 Wine Producer in 2016

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Premium boxed wines have shocked this low-end price segment into stunning growth

More graphs and analysis at source link: Data: Nielsen. Chart: Silicon Valley Bank

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2016 Wine Exports: NZ, Argentina, Oz & Chile on top – U.S. on bottom

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Higher end wines gain by dropping sale prices

Source: Nielsen via Wine Industry Insight

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