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Champagne Sales Could Be A Good Recession Indicator

Source: Bloomberg via Yahoo! News (video)

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It Pays To Change Jobs

Source: Pew Research

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DTC: Gen Z Drinks Almost No Wine. Boomer Men Still Tops.

Source: Wine Direct/Enolytics – Q2 2022 Report for DTC Wine   ***In Q1 and Q2 of 2022 in isolation, Gen Z was responsible for just a small piece of Net Sales. Note: Gen Z is defined as people aged 10 to 25, therefore they have only just become legal drinking age and as a group […]

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NZ Leads 2022 Southern Hemisphere Wine Production. Most Countries trend Down: OIV

Source: OIV – International Organisation of Vine and Wine

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Foreign Ownership Of US Cropland Land Soars

Source: USDA via The Wine Gourd

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Millennial Wealth Soars! (Shouldn’t You Be Selling Them More Wine?)

Source: Federal Reserve via Axios

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If You Want To Sell Wine To GenZ & Young Millennials, You May Also Need To Sell Their Parents

Source: Pew Research

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GenZ Social Media Use Declines

Source: Pew Research

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Here’s The #1 Reason For The Global Fertilizer Shortage

Source: Visual Capitalist

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Top 10 Reasons That Motivate GenZ To Engage With New Brands on Social Media

Source: Marketing Charts

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