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Here’s How Your Memorial Day Six-Pack Of Craft Beer Ends Up Costing $12 (And More!)

Source: Huffington Post

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Napa or Sonoma? Here’s what your vineyard estate home is going to cost you.

Source: Vintroux

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Data-driven marketing seen as most exciting for digital (video & social media not so much)

Source: Adobe/eConsultancy 2016 digital trends.

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These are the 37 states in the US where teenagers can legally drink alcohol (yes, really)

Source: NIAAA via Washington Post

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This is how your living room is killing the neighborhood bar

Source:Washington Post

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Drink in these beer style gender identification preferences

Source: Nielsen

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$15,000 per ton for GRAPES?! Have you lost your #@!&!!# mind?

Source data via: Rabobank

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Paid Content Over six in ten Americans say they are comfortable with companies paying to publish articles that look like news as long as there’s a disclaimer

Source: The Harris Poll

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So Much for Drowning Your Sorrows – Drinkers Drink in Good Times More Than Bad

Source: The Harris Poll

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Here’s solid data showing that protectionist laws restricting grocery store wine, beer & spirits sales do absolutely nothing to reduce alcohol abuse

Read source link for more details: Washington Post

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