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Zoom Doom: COVID Streaming Market Crashes

Zoom Bets on Corporate Customers to Stem Post-Pandemic Crash

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Global Wine Consumption Inched Up 1% Last Year

Right-click chart to view a larger image. Source: International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

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Most Consumers Want Brands To Personalize Communications

Most consumers want brands to personalize their communications

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Average Monthly Wine Club Membership Length Stagnates

Source: Silicon Valley Bank 2022 DTC Report. Click here to view videocast and download the report:

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Grim Forecast For Summer Wildfires, Especially West Coast.

Source: National Interagency Fire Center via Wildfire Today

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VC Funding To Black-Founded Startups Slows Dramatically

Source: Crunchbase News

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Of the Top 23 Wine-Consuming Countries, Only 3 Had Notable Increases 2021 vs 2020

Source: OIV

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Winery Promo Email Click Rate Steady, Open Rate Up Significantly.

Source: Silicon Valley Bank 2022 DTC Report. Click here to view videocast and download the report:

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Instagram, TikTok & YouTube Influencers: You Need To Know This To Avoid Wasting Your Budget

Source: Nielsen via Marketing Charts

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These are the most (and Least) Effective Words That Sell Food & Wine In Grocery Stores.

Source: Social Standards via Merril Lynch

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