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Being the “Netflix Of Wine” Is Still Worth Shooting For

Wine clubs are about average in retaining customers, but Netflix still sets the bar. The greatly overwrought “Netflix subscriber meltdown” came after the company UNsubscribed 800,000+ Russian subscribers. And yet, that act resulted in a tiny 0.1 percent decline. The stock melted down even though NFLX would have had a subscriber increase if not for […]

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U.S. AlcBev Spending Declined 4% From March – April 2022

Source: Morning Consult U.S. Household Finances & Consumer Spending Report

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Cheap & Healthy = Top Goals For Grocery Shoppers

Source: Click over to McKinsey & Company For The Full Study.

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These Are The Important Things Your GenZ Employees Want in A Job.

Source: Axios

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The “Great Resignation” is actually a “Great Reprioritization”

Source: Morning Consult

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Overall COVID Comfort For Dining Mostly Steady, But Plunges For GenZ.

Source: Morning Consult See the start demographic differences in demographics in the interactive chart at the source link.

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How Great Is Wildfire Risk For Your Calif Zip Code? This Interactive Map Tells All.

Multiple sources: via Sacramento Bee

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Inflation: 7 in 10 People Changing Summer Vacation Plans To Save Money

Source: Bankrate

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U.S. Still #1 In World Wine Consumption. France, Italy Also Ran.

Right-click chart to view a larger image. Source: International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV)

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No sign of widespread ‘Zoom fatigue’

Source: Pew Research

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