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COVID/Delta has flattened public’s comfort with dining out.

More charts at the source: Morning Consult

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Mobile and Desktop about evenly divided for e-purchases, but that changes big-time with the upcoming holidays

Sources for these images: Outbrain

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Drought in the US West, Southwest is worst in recorded history

Source: NOAA Task Force (PDF) via LiveScience

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Italy, France lead organic wine production; Germany consumes most.

Source: Wine Business International

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Digital grocery buyers have reached critical mass

Source: eMarketer

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34% of consumers say they are more likely to buy from companies with a mask mandate. 12% less likely.

Source: Morning Consult

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You can’t hang on to GenX and Millennial workers: And this is why.

Source: Amdocs (pdf)

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Liquor Store Boom Continues


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Delta Variant Driving Uptick in Lost Income

Source: Morning Consult

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US Retail Sales Rebounded in Aug Despite Delta Variant

Source: Wall Street Journal

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