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Those San Francisco Millennials in your tasting room could be a superspreader event

Source: SF Dept. of Public Health via San Francisco Chronicle

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What’s In (and Out) In That Giant Infrastructure Bill?

Multiple Interactive Charts At The Source: New York Times

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Consumer trust in grocery stores is lower than retail as a whole.

Source: Morning Consult

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Wine looks to be losing its grip on younger adults in US, UK.

Source: Wine Intelligence

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Off-Premise AlcBev lagging previous 2 years; Wine down 6%: Nielsen

Source (pdf):

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Online Personalization Can Go Too Far: Most consumers are creeped out by ads that follow them across devices

Most consumers are creeped out by ads that follow them across devices

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Wage Pressures Likely to Retreat as Labor Market Normalizes

Source: Morning Consult

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Retail Off-Premise Hangover Still Recovering From COVID Binge Sales

Source: Sovos/ShipCompliant

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70% of Americans Feel Comfortable Dining Out at Restaurants, But Delta Surge Affecting Curve

Interactive map with generational data at the source: Morning Consult

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80 Million Amazon Ratings Show Why 5-Star Ratings Suck (A Key Reason Netflix Abandoned Them)

Source: Buzzfeed Data Scientist Max Woolf

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