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After COVID boost, e-commerce grocery sales to grow at much lower rate

Source: eMarketer

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Comfort Dining Out Among All Adults Reaches New Pandemic Record High

Millennials Lead The Way Source: Morning Consult

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AlcBev Wholesalers defeat direct consumer access by out-spending producers on state level politicians

AlcBev Wholesalers defeat direct consumer access by out-spending producers on state level politicians Source: Primarily the National Institute on Money in Politics via Fermentation

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Merlot market share shrank big time in 2020; SauvBlanc soared

Source: Silicon Valley Bank 2018 Wine Industry Report

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Consumers are nowhere near feeling comfortable with dining out again

Source: Morning Consult

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Full-service restaurant sales not projected to recover to pre-COVID levels for at least 3 years

Source: Excerpted by permission from Rabobank Wine Quarterly Q1 2021. Full report available from Global Strategist Stephen Rannekleiv.

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Wine simply doesn’t exist as a beverage for most of GenZ. Another lost Generation?

Source: Silicon Valley Bank 2018 Wine Industry Report

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3-liter wine packaging growth blew away all other size formats in 2020

Source: Silicon Valley Bank 2018 Wine Industry Report

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Online DTC sales flat to declining following 2020 COVID surge

Source (and more charts and analysis at link): Dr. Liz Thach, MW

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Calif Wine Grape Crush: Lowest Prices & Tonnage Lowest in 10 years

Source: Full Crush report – PDF

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