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COVID fees are cropping up at businesses. Should you add one for tastings?

Source: Morning Consult

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Per-bottle wine spend for pandemic home drinking drops in most global markets, but US ekes out small rise

Source: Wine Intelligence

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Slow, expensive U.S. mobile connections can hinder Wine DTC

Consumers are increasingly using mobile devices for e-commerce… … but the U.S. system is both expensive and slow compared to other countries.Streamline your web site and transaction pages to retain visitors and increase sales Source: FCC Broadband Report via The MarkUp

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Calif, Mass & NJ top 2020 Farm Real Estate Per-Acre value

Source: @FarmPolicy

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This is how Americans spent their COVID stimulus checks

Source: National Bureau of Economic Research via Economist

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Wine drinkers not very interested in knowing a lot about what they are drinking

Source: Wine Market Council via Wine Business (Note: Wine Market Council does not share its findings with Wine Industry Insight.)

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Ad blocking is on the rise. Make sure you place ads in blocker-compliant media

Source: Global Web Index

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Millennials account for more than half of all new mortgages

Home ownership and wine consumption have been a tight correlation. Does this trend mean that Millennials will now join the ranks of vino-sippers …or will they be broke paying their mortgages and just drink more beer and seltzer? Source: via Wall Street Journal (Possible paywall)

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COVID leisure activity comfort-level gap narrows for Millennials & Boomers

Source: Morning Consult

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Spirits dominating AlcBev ecommerce growth, stealing share from wine which is still #1

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