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The numbers behind Pacific Gas and Electric’s $58B bankruptcy exit

Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence

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Red wine ranks #1 in AlcBevs ordered with takeout-delivery. White wine: #4.

Source: Silicon Valley Bank, State of the US Wine Industry – Special Edition Webinar Recap

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Red wine #2 drink for July 4 holiday. Domestic non-craft beer is #1. White wine #7. Hard Seltzer and sparkling wine rank surprisingly low.

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COVID disrupted winery sales channel mix, but 3 vital sectors stayed about the same

Source: Silicon Valley Bank, State of the US Wine Industry – Special Edition Webinar Recap

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US Retail Sales to Drop More than 10% in 2020 But US ecommerce will surge 18%

Source: eMarketer

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COVID DTC sales show value of mailing list, but a shocking 55% of wineries have no one analyzing their consumer data

COVID DTC sales show value of mailing list, but a shocking 55% of wineries have no one analyzing their consumer data Source: Silicon Valley Bank, US Wine Industry – Special Edition Webinar Recap

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Pre-COVID Debt may keep many restaurants permanently closed

Interactive chart at the source: Wall Street Journal (Possible paywall)

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Diners Miss Community, Ambiance — Two Things That Will Likely Be Absent as Restaurants Reopen

Click the source for more data: Morning Consult

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These are the top 10 reasons people are drinking more wine during the pandemic

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Why We Buy & What We Buy When the Going Gets Tough

Source: Morning Consult

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