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Top 20 Innovative Food Deals of 2019 get $694 Million – Can you pair wines here?

AgFunder 2020 Investing Report for 2019 deals

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These 7 popular tech items will be harder to get thanks to COVID-19

Source: Trendforce via Axios

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Trust is vital to keep customers loyal. Consumers rank reliability over ethics

Source: Morning Consult

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Almonds: High water footprint, but their high nutritional value outranks almost all other crops

Source: “Water-indexed benefits and impacts of California almonds,” Ecological Indicators, Elsevier An intuitive vertical axis is one in which the amount increases from bottom to top.   This chart, however, misleads the viewer into thinking that almonds (at the bottom) are the least desirable   While the total water footprint of almonds seems to be […]

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People leave wine clubs or don’t drink it at all because they can’t consistently find wine that they like

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Being born in the wrong ZIP code can shorten your life

Sources: U.S. Small-area Life Expectancy Estimates Project and CDC via The Conversation

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Not a good sign: 74% of Americans trust Oprah & Tom Hanks more than scientific studies or health warnings

Source: Morning Consult

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Wine’s biggest challenge: Most AlcBev consumers don’t drink wine

  Source: Recommendation Algorithms

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Americans trust food & beverage companies 2X more than corporations as a whole

Source: Morning Consult

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Calif’s mediocre 2020 rainfall puts 10% of state into Moderate Drought Category

Source: Drought Monitor via West Coast Weather

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