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Consumer social interest in wine, beer and spirits is down

Source: Social Standards

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AI trends and tactics driving marketing ROI

Marketers Who Currently Use AI for the Following Source: Salesforce

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Cannabis craze crashes: pot stocks tank

Source: Wall Street Journal

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2.56% of your customers produce your biggest revenues. And they live in these 14 states.

Source: Paul Mabray, CEO Emetry: “Transforming Wine” Presentation

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96% of online users have never used an AR app & 90%+ also punt on location services

96% of online users have never used an AR app & 90%+ also punt on location services Source: GlobalWebIndex

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TikTok: Anchors the bottom of the social media totem poll.

Source: eMarketer

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Asking for an email address could lose you almost half your potential online customers.

Red flag: There’s a steady decline, but things really start to drop off with asking for email address. Source: eMarketer

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Female Millennials are the most likely demographic to trust social media shopping recommendations

Source: eMarketer

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This awesome interactive map lets you explore every current and proposed AVA in America

Source: TTB

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Boomers are still top wine customers, but 92% of them don’t trust social media

Source: eMarketer

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