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Cannabis may not pose as big a threat to wine as many fear

Wine, alcohol and cannabis are different in many significant ways Source: Mike Rodenburgh, Executive Vice President, IPSOS via the Emetry Transforming Wine Summit

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Even as mobile shopping grows, this DtC vendor shows that desktop leads in completed order checkouts

 Source: Commerce7 Winery Consumer Experience Report via the Emetry Transforming Wine Summit

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The top 1% of your wine customers produce 25% of your revenues. How do you find them?

Source: Paul Mabray, CEO Emetry: “Transforming Wine” Presentation

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Your brand’s website is still the most important way for consumers to interact with you. This chart shows you 9 also rans.

Source: GlobalWebIndex

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Internet customers would rather have free delivery than pay for next day

Source: GlobalWebIndex

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Allowing wine club members to tailor their choices can increase revenues by almost 25%

Source: Commerce7 Winery Consumer Experience Report via the Emetry Transforming Wine Summit

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As a global cultural export, U.S. cuisine ranks dead last.

Source: Economist

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Facebook use declining among GenX but rising with Millennials, Boomers & Silent Generation

Source: Pew Research via Quartz

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7 Reasons smartphone customers UN-subscribe from your mobile marketing messages

Source: eMarketer

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Older moderate & occasional alcohol consumers live longest: New Study

Source: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (Red annotations added for clarity.)

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