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Almost half of all Internet Users are using ad blockers to avoid seeing your advertising. Save your $$ for ad-blocker-compliant sites.

Source: eMarketer

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IWSR projects world table wine sales flat through 2022

Source: IWSR via Wall Street Journal

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Who is the CBD customer and what are they using it for?

Source: Nation’s Restaurant News

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These 12 characteristics define “Positive Experience” with online shoppers

Source: eMarketer

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San Luis Obispo County has 20 cannabis farms already approved & 100 applications pending

Source: SLO Cannabis Watch Group via Paso Robles Daily News

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You better have BOPUS if you expect to sell to GenZ

Source: eMarketer

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Amazon’s North American YoY e-commerce growth equals or exceeds the rest of the world in 11 of last 14 quarters

Source: Bloomberg

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Credible media demands that paid content and financial ties be transparently and prominently disclosed

The same ethical standard demands that companies included in articles must include equal treatment for competing companies that are not advertisers and have no other financial or ownership ties with the publication. Without transparency, there is no credibility.

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Online selling means building trust. Here are 5 ways to win that & 5 to lose it.

Source: eMarketer

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The U.S. / China trade war has been awesomely good for this Asian Tiger

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