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These are the most water stressed states in the U.S.

Source: Washington Post

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Podcasters! For good results, you really need to keep an eye on what listeners say they want to hear

Source: Morning Consult

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These are the channels where marketers spend most of their “influencer” dollars

Source: eMarketer Roughly 80% of Pinterest users are women Source: Statista

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Women are a lot more interested than men in purchasing products via social media

Source: eMarketer

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Black market pot sellers are killing tax revenues in states where cannabis is fully legal

Source:  State of California via Wall Street Journal.

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Burgundy price/ratings ratio blows the doors off the world of elite wine. (Hint: California also ran.)

Source: Economist Full article and astounding chart showing how Burgundy outperforms all but one measure. (paywall)

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This smelly vendor survey lacked data integrity, so USA Today flushed their stinky article down the drain.

Wine Industry Insight has previously written about slipshod vendor-conducted “surveys” that have obvious conflicts of interest and are concocted for marketing reasons.   We often get angry emails from the creators of smelly surveys on why our News Fetch daily briefing does not run links to them.   Well, USA Today’s recent retraction is a […]

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Almost nobody buys meal-prep kits or orders groceries online

Source: Gallup

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Trouble looms for the 78% of businesses who are clueless about Calif’s Consumer Privacy Act

Source: Morning Consult

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These 5 Calif counties rank tops for legal cannabis grows (#1 may surprise you!)

Source: CDFA, CalCannabis Cultivation Licensing Division via NPR

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