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Fines are pitifully tiny & irrelevant in data privacy & security breaches

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Nothing new in Lancet’s “ultimate” alcohol consumption study

  A recent Lancet article claimed to be the ultimate study proving that moderate alcohol consumption has no beneficial cardiovascular effects.   However, this review of articles from the British Medical Journal places that Lancet study in context of many other alcohol consumption research publications.   The context indicates that the Lancet study is nothing […]

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These are the cities that will drive your future wine sales

Source: McKinsey & Company

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Here’s how you get your wine to market in China.

Source: Rabobank

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Cannabis-interested adults likely to be tobacco-smoking beer drinkers: Nielsen

Source: Nielsen

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Alcohol & ride-sharing tied for #1 thing people would willingly give up if they could get free shipping on all online orders

Source: BigCommerce via Clickz

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Your future wine sales will follow where the jobs will be created (and lost)

Source: McKinsey & Company

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Most nutrition & alcohol consumption studies are invalid & based on discredited data that is “incompatible with life”

(Scroll on down for easy-to-read links that are not hardcore science,) Source: Mayo Clinic Proceedings (PDF) Note: the term “reporter” in the chart above refers to information created by Memory-Based Methods which the study authors consider unworthy to refer to as “data.” Relevant links that are not “hard core science” 5 Questions: John Ioannidis calls […]

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The death rate for Millennials is soaring

Source: Wall Street Journal NOTE: Millennials encompass most (but not all) of the 25-44 age group as defined above. Pew Research defines the Millennial generation as anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38 in 2019). Thus, there is a six-year overlap with Gen X,

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U.S. Wine to China is Trade War Collateral Damage

Source: Bloomberg

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