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Today’s real value of the minimum wage is about 1/3 LESS than it was in 1968

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GenZ now drinks legally. You’re going to have to sell them differently.Their values are a lot different than your older customers

Source: Morning Consult

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Calif heat-warning days growing more numerous

Here are how many days the heat index in Northern California counties could reach a level that triggers health warnings. Source: KQED-Public Television

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Working with Internet marketing influencers can be stressful, challenging

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Calif 2018 vintage export pricing mostly flat

Source: Ciatti Company

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Most unauthorized U.S. immigrants are long-term residents

Source: Pew Research Center

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Businesses fail to measure up to Millennial expectations (Not so keen on profits)

Source: eMarketer

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Home food delivery is a virtual 3-way tie for first place

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GenZ: More than 2X as optimistic about capitalism than Millennials (But Socialism is OK too)

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US Food Delivery App Usage Will Approach 40 Million Users in 2019. Is wine going to fit into that?

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