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Mexicans decline to less than half the U.S. unauthorized immigrant population

Source: Pew Research Center

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Data isn’t just data — It isn’t even any good unless you work the process right

Source: Nielsen

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Millennials are SO yesterday: GenZ’s adults are sort of the same (only different)

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Wine DtC vendors beware! Free shipping is still the #1 online purchase driver. #2 won’t help you either.

Source: Walker Sands Communications

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You can’t file Chapter 11 if you have any Cannabis ties says U.S. Justice Dept

Interactive Map at the Source: U.S. Trustee Program via Wall Street Journal ) Possible paywall)

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Swirl, sniff, sip & spit tastings miss important taste elements

  Source: Harvard University (with many supporting footnotes at that link)

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Most people have no idea about the difference between CBD & pot

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Midwest, NY, British Columbia tops in new wine club member growth

Source: 2019 Insights for Successful Consumer Wine Sales Silicon Valley Bank &WBM

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Winery gross margins, pretax profits & sales growth mediocre

Source: Silicon Valley Bank On Wine  

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Napa County net wine club growth smallest of major West Coast regions

Source: 2019 Insights for Successful Consumer Wine Sales Silicon Valley Bank &WBM

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