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What’s the real value of a $15 minimum wage? That depends on where you live

Source: Pew Research

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Millennials spend less on alcohol than either GenX or Boomers

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Consumer Expenditure Survey via NerdWallet.Com

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The average wine club member leaves in 29 months. Napa has highest 2019 retention at 33 months.

Source: 2019 Insights for Successful Consumer Wine Sales Silicon Valley Bank & Wine Business Monthly

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Virginia wineries sell 92% of their wine via DtC

Source: 2019 Insights for Successful Consumer Wine Sales – Silicon Valley Bank and Wine Business Monthly

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Average winery tasting room prices below $50/Btl (Except Napa at $95.53)

Source: 2019 Insights for Successful Consumer Wine Sales – Silicon Valley Bank and Wine Business Monthly

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Six Ways the EU’s GDPR Privacy Rules Has Hurt Marketer Data Usage

Source: EMarketer

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The world’s top 10 premium wine-consuming countries will surprise you. Here’s the stunning chart.

Source: The International Spirit and Wine Record. via The Wine Gourd

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People like your personal photos on social media, but life updates, not so much

Source: Good Firms Social Media Usage Report 2019

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Part 2: More big problems when your ad is served up by a big programmatic site like DoubleClick

Source: eMarketer See Part 1 Here: You’ve got big problems if the online ad you buy is served up by a big site like DoubleClick

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Growing zones for your vineyard & crops (as well as flowers, shrubs, and trees) are shifting northward

Larger animated map at the source: NY Times

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