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Serving up the value in the DTC Flywheel: Create!


The DTC Wine Vendor Flywheel (below) is put together by Paul Mabray with the help of Erica Gomez with the goal of helping wineries discover and navigate the crowded landscape of DTC wine vendors.


Its über-high-density of its information makes it hard to grasp all of the value — like having all four-courses of a delicious meal served up all at once.


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Click graphic to go to the interactive version

To help absorb the chart in well-measured courses, Erica Gomez has served up smaller portions with a guide to each one. Daily Data will serve them one course at a time.

The first course: Create!


This category has a wealth of talented creators.It mostly comes down to your needs and budget as to who is the best fit.If you are looking for someone to do soup to nuts and willing to pay for it then your best bet is to select a Full Stack Marketing Agency so you can keep everything under one roof.


Here are a few things to consider when selecting a creative vendor.


  • Check out their website and portfolio of work.
  • Is their site well designed?
  • Does it resonate with you and your brand? If not, it may be time to move on.

Once you have settled on a handful of vendors you like,


  • get multiple quotes,
  • ask for references from past clients and
  • check with your other vendors to see if they have experience working with them.

And last but not least, product imagery.


There are a lot of excellent bottle photographers out there, however, shooting bottle shots can be tricky. Getting consistent lighting and angle bottle after bottle, year over year, is difficult to impossible for even the most talented photographer.


Outshinery digitally creates their bottle shots, eliminating the natural factors that affect lighting and camera angle. This ensures a consistent image, and beautiful product images help sell wine.