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These are the tools you need for engaging your DTC customers – Section Two in the DTC Flywheel

The DTC Wine Vendor Flywheel is put together by Paul Mabray with the help of Erica Gomez with the goal of helping wineries discover and navigate the crowded landscape of DTC wine vendors.

To help absorb the big chart in well-measured courses, Erica Gomez has served up smaller portions with a guide to each one.

Daily Data will serve them one at a time. The first article is at this link: Create!


Engaging with your customers is key to and doing it in an omnichannel fashion is challenging without the right tools. Let’s start with email. If you are looking to create your own templates and send your own emails, Mailchimp is a clear leader in this category.



Mailchimp’s user interface is simple and they have solid list segmentation capabilities within the platform. A huge benefit here is they also have an open API that vendors like Commerce7 can tap into.


This means no more importing and exporting lists and you can be confident your list is always up to date. If you are looking for someone to take the email reigns, look into the vendors in the email service provider category.


Regarding reservations, this is a great way to collect consumer data for new customers or prepare for return customers, what did they buy on their list visit, who helped them, are they local, etc. Selecting a reservation system that integrates with your commerce system is a good idea.


Social media, if you don’t have a social posting and listening platform already, keep your sanity and check these out. Most have free trials but in general, you get what you pay for.