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March ecommerce sales offset 70% of lost tasting room sales: WineDirect

March ecommerce sales offset 70% of lost tasting room sales

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According to WineDirect:

“During the month of March, WineDirect observed a 40% increase in online wine sales vs. March 2019 while tasting room sales dropped 45% as a result of wineries being closed to visitors. The increase in ecommerce sales offsets 70% of lost tasting room sales. This shows how powerful online sales can be and how important they are for a healthy DTC sales mix.


“At this time of year, club sales peak as wineries bill members for Spring shipments, making March an atypical sales month. On average, club and tasting room sales are nearly equal (36% and 34%, respectively).


“Club and back-of-house sales channels were relatively unchanged from 2019. Meanwhile, tasting room sales vs. ecommerce began approaching an inflection point, a trend we expect to see continue through April – marking the first full month of tasting room closures.”