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Purple/Sonoma Wine Company Inks Deal With Cartlidge and Brown/Greenfield

Purple/Sonoma Wine Company has signed a long term lease for the Napa County production facility owned by the Greenfield Wine Company (dba Cartlidge & Browne Winery), according to sources close to the transaction. The ownership of the building has not changed. An official announcement is expected Monday.

Greenfield Wine Company will lease back a portion of the facility where it will continue to operate the Cartlidge & Browne Winery and the Lot 205 Winery, Stratford and Moser Scharding brands.  The ownership structure of the winery has not changed in any way.

Purple Wine Company will utilize the facility to provide a wide range of wine making and wine production services.  Cartlidge & Browne will be a client of Purple Wine Company for a variety of services.

Purple Wine Company is in a position to develop fully the outstanding potential of this 115,000 square foot facility, while Cartlidge & Browne Winery will be able to focus on its core business and benefit from dramatically reduced overhead.