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What’s The Data Cellar?


The Data Cellar is a premium area for subscribers to the VIP Data Center.

If you’ve been reading Wine Industry Insight, you know that I dig. I dig deep, hard, wide and far.

What I get is a lot of data: court filings, PowerPoint Presentations, Excel spreadsheets, Adobe Acrobat documents and more. These are the raw material I use for my articles.

I don’t use all of the data all of the time. A lot of it, I haven’t used at all. Some of it just sits there.

My eyes got opened in early February when I did a custom reorganization and sort on some of the 2008 Crush Report data. I made the Excel spreadsheet available to readers.

And … What the Hell!? Readers took the .xls file, re-sorted it, drew some more conclusions and sent it back! Great stuff!

That planted the seeds of the Data Cellar. I had been cataloging all these files so I could easily access them for my own use. But now I realize that you can use the data as well … whether you let me know about it or not.

So, what I am in the process of doing is taking all of those files, entering them into a database and indexing them so they can be searchable. This will take some time because I have a lot, a lot, a lot of data. And, eventually, so will you.

I’m out there digging so you don’t have to.