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Final Crush Report: 2009 Tops 4 Million Tons, up 11%

From the United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service cooperating with the California Department of Food and Agriculture California’s 2009 crush totaled 4,095,297 tons, up 11 percent from the 2008 crush of 3,673,858 tons. This is only the second time that California’s crush has exceeded 4 million tons. Red wine varieties accounted for […]

How Journalism Works At Wine Industry Insight

Here’s how an article works. I hear about something that may be news. I learn about these through public documents, emailed and phoned tips, or sometimes by putting two-and-two together and looking around the right territory. CONTACT MADE WITH EVERY POSSIBLE SOURCE Then I contact everyone possible. This includes the people directly in the news […]

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WII Hiatus Due To Editor’s Trip

Sorry for the interruption, but Wine Industry Insight Editor Lewis Perdue is in Western New York State where he delivered a college commencement address to the State University of New York’s Corning Community College. Corning is a major regional two-year school and as such is part of the State University of New York. Afterwards, Lew  […]

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IRI/WII: What Are Consumers REALLY Drinking. Much Of What You Think Is Wrong.

The wine industry’s perception that box and value brands own all the growth categories is wrong. This broad-brush conviction  may have been true six months ago, but it is not justified by a detailed and current look at what consumers are really buying. The market is in flux and opportunities exist for those willing to […]

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Data Cellar FAQ #1 – What Is It? How Does It Work?

The Data Cellar is where Wine Industry Insight source documents for articles are stored whether they are referenced directly in an article or not. If they are referenced in an article, the link goes to Data Cellar and is premium content. If your browser doesn’t remember your user name and password for you, then just […]

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What’s “News Fetch?”

News Fetch is a free, searchable database of articles, notices, relevant news releases and other information gathered each day by Wine Industry Insight‘s news crawler system. The process is known as “news aggregation” and is a smaller version of what Google News does. News Fetch, however, searches for topics of particular interest to those in […]

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What’s The Data Cellar?

THE DATA CELLAR The Data Cellar is a premium area for subscribers to the VIP Data Center. If you’ve been reading Wine Industry Insight, you know that I dig. I dig deep, hard, wide and far. What I get is a lot of data: court filings, PowerPoint Presentations, Excel spreadsheets, Adobe Acrobat documents and more. […]

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What’s Free? What’s Not?

Most things here are free. The email editions, which go out about twice a week, are free and will always be free. MOSTLY FREE, SOME PREMIUM CONTENT This site has two parts, Wine Industry Insight (where you’re reading this) and the VIP Content Center. My original, major, investigative and in-depth pieces are mostly for subscribers. […]

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How Is Wine Industry Insight Different?

FROM WII EDITOR & PUBLISHER, LEWIS PERDUE I’ve gotten a lot of solid, hard, pointed questions about Wine Industry Insight and what makes us different — how we complement other publications rather than compete with them. I’ll do the best I can, and if I still don’t answer your question, then please email me (lewis […]

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