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Data Cellar FAQ #1 – What Is It? How Does It Work?

The Data Cellar is where Wine Industry Insight source documents for articles are stored whether they are referenced directly in an article or not.

If they are referenced in an article, the link goes to Data Cellar and is premium content.

If your browser doesn’t remember your user name and password for you, then just use the same one that gives you access to any other VIP Center content.

You can also click the  “browse” link to see what’s in the Data Cellar or do a search for a text string in the title.

Data Cellar is a new thing for WII as well, so Lew Perdue is gradually getting better at titling the documents so the search works more effectively.

We can’t keyword search the documents themselves because most of them are .pdfs containing image scans of legal filings. Some enlightened attorneys are filing their .pdfs as normal documents with text that can be searched. Sadly, those are a pathetically small number so far.

If the legal filing system ever catches up to 1995, we’ll provide full-document searches.

Finally, because the Data Cellar is a novel concept — Lew doesn’t  know of it being used anywhere else on the web — your feedback is vital on what works, what doesn’t and what should be there that is not.

Please tell Lew (lewis[dot]perdue[at]  know if this FAQ answers all your questions. If not, he’ll take more stabs at it until he gets it right.