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Foley Wine Group Starts Lay-Offs At Sebastiani

Foley Wine Group is laying off an undetermined number of non-union employees and middle-managers, according to numerous phone calls and emails to Wine Industry Insider.

A call from one laid-off employee said there were “lots of lay-offs”. The employee did not want to be identified for fear it would hurt chances of getting a job elsewhere.

Guided by web data, along with unsolicited email and phone tips, WII made additional phone calls asking for specific employees and were told they “were no longer here.”


WII made eleven phone calls to company officials and left an equal number of voicemails over a six-hour period today.

Those calls and voicemails went to to Foley Wine Group President Tim Matz, Foley Marketing and PR Manager Lori Mackey and to Sebastiani Marketing and PR Manager John Calmeyer.

Moments before this article was posted, Calmeyer called to say that, “We will be issuing a complete statement next week, but we’re not prepared to make a statement at this time.”

He did not dispute the lay-off allegations.