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AgroThermal Systems technology shows promising results with improving fruit set, yields and pest control


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Juanita Gaglio, AgroThermal Systems
(562) 881-1611

AgroThermal Systems Introduces New Technology – Thermal Plant Treatment – to Viticulture Industry

A multi-purpose technology shows promising results with improving fruit set, yields and pest control

Walnut Creek, California, (November 5, 2012) – A unique patented technology, Thermal Plant Treatment, using heated air expelled from a tractor pulled machine onto crops to help reduce pesticide needs has shown surprising beneficial side effects with improved fruit set, and yields. Since the inception of the technology in 2001, the basic treatment protocol has remained consistent. The tractor pulled machine moving at 3-4 MPH (5-6KPH) applies heated air, at over 100ºC (215F), at a wind velocity of 85-100 (135-160 (MPH) onto crops.
The Thermal Plant Treatment Machine is built exclusively for AgroThermal Systems by American Grape Harvesters of Fresno, California. The machine is engineered and built to configure the treatment properly onto each crop. The Company has focused sales efforts on wine and table grape crops where it has a longer term history of successful results while developing more experience with bush and cane berries as well orchard crop such as pears and cherries.

Earlier trials of the technology dating as far back as 2005 indicated potential side benefits beyond pest control. Some of these side benefits that positively impact the crop are aiding with higher fruit set, when applied at blossom; developing thicker skins on fruit, and drying off crops after rain storms to reduce fungal development.

The machine has been in field test during 2012 on wine grapes in the Napa Valley, Sonoma and Central Oregon. Tests have also being conducted in Hood River Oregon on Pears and Cherries, along with additional field trials on blueberries in Central Oregon.

According to CEO, Marty Fischer, “After successful fruit set verification on multiple wine grape varieties, we are launching a sales and marketing effort in California and Oregon to help wine and table grape growers set more fruit on difficult to set varieties.” Wine is being developed from thermally treated wine grapes as well as non treated wine grapes from the same vineyards. Wine chemistry and taste testing will be completed early in 2013 and it is expected to be available for public release by February.

The Company expects to continue developing test data for the wine and table grape industry in the years ahead working with leading growers and University expertise to further reveal added benefits of the technology and to perfect protocols for various viticulture problems. In addition testing will continue in 2013 on a host of crops including blueberries, cane berries, cherries and pears.

Lazo TPC Global, Inc., doing business as AgroThermal Systems, is a California corporation formed in January 2007 to develop the global market for thermal technology. The Company holds patents for Thermal Pest Control and has patents pending on other aspects of Thermal technology it has dubbed under the umbrella of Thermal Plant Treatment.
For further information company website:
