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Harvest Notes from Santa Rita Hills

This by weay of Peter Work, ampelos cellars

Weather in SRH has been a farmers dream in 2013. No rain since april. 4 consistently warm month – no hot days just nice in the high 80’s. Bone dry September and so far just a small drizzle Wednesday – as opposed to Napa where they got slammed with and inch two weeks ago.

Crop level is very nice, some vineyard very high but our balanced biodynamic farmed vines are just at good level (2.5-2.7 ton per acre)

Sugars levels are perfect – around 23.5- 25 for almost every lot. pH is perfectly low (3.3 – 3.65) and the acids are hight. The health of the grapes are reflected in fast fermentations that surprisingly stay low in temperature – which retains flavors. Colors are amazing – very dark purple wines will come out of this vintage. Tannins are softening while the wines are still in the fermenters.

2013 looks very promising!