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Why Your Email Contact Form Says “Go To Hell” To Your Web Site Visitors

No one really has time to fill out all your little boxes.

Fill in the blanks. Screw that! No one has the time in today’s busy world.

That’s why using a contact form says  “Go to hell!” to your visitors and sends potential customers somewhere else.

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The forms also communicate that you don’t care about wasting other people’s time and that you’d really have them go away and not bother you.

Sure, these forms organize your data capture and are convenient as hell for you. But you are cutting your own throat.

You should be thinking about how to make things easy for potential customers, not how to make it easy for you.

It’s Even Worse For Mobile

Mobile is more and more important today. And mobile users are more likely to tell you to go to hell as well.

Read #2 in this article: Ten things I learned from Mobile Usability: “Users are more reluctant to use mobile devices for functions that require a lot of input.”


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