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TOP NEWS FTC approves revised Gallo-Constellation blockbuster wine deal Pix.Wine Aims to End The Balkanization of Wine What Drink Trends Should Disappear in 2021? Space company to bring back scientific payloads of vines & wines from international space station The Ten Words That Defined Wine in 2020 Read how Golden State Cider stays nimble and […]

Why Your Email Contact Form Says “Go To Hell” To Your Web Site Visitors

No one really has time to fill out all your little boxes. Fill in the blanks. Screw that! No one has the time in today’s busy world. That’s why using a contact form says  “Go to hell!” to your visitors and sends potential customers somewhere else. The forms also communicate that you don’t care about […]

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What Message Is Your Old Blog/Site Sending?

The sale of eWinery Solutions was so NOT a surprise given the persistent coma of its website. Note April 28 as the most recent post. (Screen capture Sept. 18, 2014) Aging, derelict web sites most often mean that the owner doesn’t have the resources to keep it up to date, doesn’t care, or both. Those […]

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Offending Ads – Pages That Twitch With Animations

The number-one complaint from News Fetch readers comes from animations. We’ve been banning those for new ads and grandfathering them for ongoing advertisers. What’s more, to lower the annoyance factor, the grandfathered ads must make slower transitions and remain static longer. And they animate once and then remain still. Our eventual goal is no animations […]

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How do you make a sponsored content link pay off?

Sponsored content links are those paid by sponsors and, on Wine Industry Insight, clearly marked as such. (Not clearly marking paid content is misleading and dishonest.)   In the daily News Fetch email briefing, sponsored links look like this:   or HOW TO MAKE SPONSORED LINKS PAY OFF   Write an irresistible headline. Use Sharp […]

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This Is Your Site On Flash …

Flash — especially auto-running video — is ranked among the most annoying things on the web. A large percentage of users browse with Flash blockers or with Flash turned off. It’s also a bandwidth hog and a top cause for prematurely running laptop batteries down. This is what I see when I browse. Like others, […]

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Slider/Carousel Will Sabotage Your Web Page Traffic & Visibility

If you have a slider or a carousel, you’re driving away traffic. They are bad for users and, as you’ll read farther down in this article, they also sabotage Search Engine Optimization. Sliders/carousels fail because there is no way to guarantee that the new stuff will be the first thing that visitors see. Most folks […]

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Contact Forms Mean You DON’T Really Want Contact

If you use a contact form, you are communicating that don’t you really want contact. Fill in the blanks. No one has the time in a busy world. I found what might have been a good article this morning, but it was missing a headline. I tried to email the site about that. But  instead […]

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Why Do Web Site Visitors HATE Shockwave/Flash?

This is why:   This shows the activity monitor on my MacBookPro (2012 model). Look at the top line under %CPU. The Firefox Plugin at the very top is Shockwave/Flash … Currently eating up more than one whole core in a dual-core processor (This slows things to a crawl and). The site causing this  has […]

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Do You have A Mobile Web Disaster?

Some people don’t check their mobile web. And they get things like this. For more than a week, this is what it’s looked like on my iPad and iPhone. Have you checked your mobile web … Android and iOS lately?

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