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Younger wine drinkers ready to try something new

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Source: Excerpted from the upcoming June 35, 36 Wine Industry Technology Symposium (WITS) presentation by Laurie Rains of Nielsen.

While some consumers like to stick with what they know, others are more adventurous—even in the alcoholic beverage aisle.

In February 2015, Nielsen fielded an English-only survey of more than two thousand adults in an attempt to determine which alcoholic beverage drinkers are the most open to trying new brands—beer, wine or spirit drinkers.
It appears that those who drink wine are the most brand adventurous—19% have bought 10 or more wine brands in the past year.

Comparatively, only 15% of beer drinkers and a mere 5% of spirit drinkers have tried the same number of brands.

Meanwhile, spirit drinkers were most likely to stick to their favorites: 60% of spirit drinkers, 48% of beer drinkers and 43% of wine drinkers have purchased only one to three brands of their alcoholic beverage of choice in the past year.

Across beverage types, age plays a big role in consumers’ likelihood to purchase a broader variety of brands.

Almost one-quarter (23%) of wine drinkers aged 21-34 have purchased 10 or more wine brands in the past year versus less than 20% of all wine drinkers aged 21 and older.

Almost 10% of spirit drinkers aged 21-34 have tried more than 10 brands in the past year, compared with only 5% of all spirit drinkers 21 and older.

Similarly, younger beer drinkers are more apt to purchase a broader set of brands.

The tendency for younger drinkers for trying a broader set of brands is likely a result of their more adventurous nature, as well as the likelihood that their “favorite” products may have not as yet been established.