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Here’s how mobile browser traffic is 2X bigger than app traffic which is beating browser traffic. What? How?

Here’s how mobile browser traffic is 2X bigger than app traffic which is beating browser traffic. What? How?

Morgan Stanley uses comScore data To say the browser is winning

Screen Shot 2015-09-27 at 4.18.20 PM

Source: Morgan Stanley – – Right-click image to enlarge.

comScore uses its own data To say apps are winning

Screen Shot 2015-09-27 at 4.18.43 PM

Source: Comscore – Right-click image to enlarge.


It’s not how big you are. It’s how you are big.

Morgan Stanley focuses on unique visitors.  comScore focuses on actual user time spent. So, in a real sense, they are both winning. Click on the source link for more charts and explanation. Source: VentureBeat.

Searching … searching… FOUND IT!

If you dig deeper, you will find that the mobile web is for discovery … it wins when people search for something. Apps consume more time (especially with games) when people find what they are looking for.